Symbolic presentation of the concept of an artificial chloroplast

Light-driven Molecular Catalysts in Hierarchically Structured Materials

Synthesis and Mechanistic Studies
Symbolic presentation of the concept of an artificial chloroplast

Transregional Collaborative Research Center TRR234 - CataLight

CataLight is a transregional collaborative research center, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), hosted by the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Ulm University. CataLight's project partners are at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Mainz, the University of Vienna, the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology Jena (IPHT), the Technical University Kaiserslautern-Landau, the Argonne National Lab Chicago, and the Ohio State University. CataLight explores the controlled linkage of molecular light-driven catalytic units with hierarchically structured soft matter matrices to convert solar radiation into chemical reactivity.

placeholder image — CataLight Video

Image: Biofaction

Upcoming Events 

  1. CataLight Meeting 26.03.2025 - 28.03.2025
    • Biannual CataLight Meeting

    Meeting for alle CataLightees in preparation for the 3rd funding period

    • presence
    • Subject to registration
All events

Member of the CataLysis Network

CataLysis Network

Image: CRC-Network-CataLysis

The CataLysis network represents Germany's catalysis devoted collaborative research centers. Click on the link and learn more about our activies and the fundamental aspects of catalytic processes from different perspectives.

CRC Network CataLysisExternal link

Partner Institutions

Logo German Research Foundation (DFG)

Picture: DFG

Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG (German Research Foundation​) - TRR 234 CataLight - 364549901